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Cyber attack on laboratory services

On Monday 3 June, Synnovis, a provider of laboratory services, was the victim of a ransomware cyber attack. This is having a significant impact on the delivery of services at Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and primary care services in South East London.

As a result of this incident there is currently very limited access to laboratory services including testing of:

  • Bloods
  • Swabs
  • Urine
  • Stool

This is an evolving situation and we expect the disruption to continue for some time.

  • Emergency care, including A&E, 999 and 111 are operating as normal
  • The practice is open and providing services as usual, but unable are unable to undertake routine tests
  • Most booked appointments at the practice will continue to go ahead but you will not have your blood taken during routine reviews
  • Cervical screening is unaffected and continues as normal.

We understand that patients may have concerns about how this will impact on the care they receive.

Please be assured that our clinicians will be managing your care as safely as possible whilst there is delay in some laboratory testing.

If you are indicated as requiring further test that are not urgent, then our clinical team will discuss this with you and we will make arrangements for these to be undertaken at a later date.

Please check this page for updates, or for more information, see the NHS website.

Monday 17th June 2024