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Feedback and complaints

We want to provide the best possible service to our patients. We want to hear your views – where you like the service or where things might be better.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback you can:

Making a complaint

  • If you wish to make a formal complaint please raise this with the Practice Operations Manager at the practice, or write to us at feedback.mghp (at)
  • Ideally advise us the details of your complaint as soon as possible. This enables us to investigate fully whilst the details are still fresh to mind.
  • If this is not possible at least within 12 months of the incident that caused the problem or the discovery of a potential problem.

What we do next

  • If we have not already spoken with you directly, we will contact you within 3 working days to acknowledge your complaint and advise you of the next steps. If appropriate we will arrange a meeting. immediately / within 48 hours either by phone or meeting with you in person.
  • We aim to have your complaint fully investigated within 10 working days although this will be impacted by the complexity of your complaint and our access to those involved. We will always keep you updated of the progress if there is any delay.
  • We will try to address your concerns fully, provide explanations and discuss any action necessary.

If you would like to take your complaint further

We hope you will make use of Minet Green Health Practice complaints procedure so that we can resolve the issue and take the opportunity to improve our service, but if you would prefer to speak someone external, you can approach NHS England direct at:

Complaining to the Ombudsman

If you still feel the matter remains unresolved the second stage, is contacting the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman:

Care Quality Commission

CQC are always interested in both issues and outcomes. Details can be sent to though please be aware they are not involved in the
resolution process.

Confidentiality and complaining on behalf of someone else

Please note that we have to respect our duty of confidentiality. Consent will be needed if a complaint is made by someone other than the patient concerned.

Getting help

The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service on 0300 330 5454 can provide free impartial support when you are making a complaint. They can help to draft or write a letter, can arrange interpreting or can accompany you to a meeting. The website is

Complaints Policy

For more information about how we will handle your complaint, please see our complaints policy.